Batten Team Air Force Museum Visit

Batten Team Air Force Museum Visit 

Hello on Tuesday the 5 of November some of the batten team went to the air force museum. There were two special people there who are apart of the RNZAF that's the royal New Zealand air force. They told us about themselves one of them had been in the air force since he was 17.  They have been to countries that are having wars to start a peace program. Kate mainly flew a massive plane called the Hercules, Herc for short. She did missions like dropping off supplies in countries that don't have enough supplies. They told us a story about a very brave man called Sargent Ward so they were doing a bombing raid on Germany. On the way back they were attacked by a German aircraft and Sargent Ward planes wing was set on fine and the captain said to him go put that out so he climbed onto the wing he had to dig his feet in to put it out he was successful. All seven people on the aircraft survived because of him he was awarded a victoria cross for his bravery. Sadly on another bombing raid they were hit by a missile and 5 out of 7 people died including Sargent Ward.
My favorite part of the trip was when we went on a plane called the Andover. Do any of you get car sick from your car going too fast? Well if you do imagine flying on a plan at 300km an hour and you get sick and then someone with a bad stomach vomits from your vomit and so on then someone walks in and says "hmmm thats a strange green paint job". When we were on it we had a pretend 


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