Lockdown Blog post

Lockdown Blog post 

Friday 17th April


I hope you might be enjoying lockdown but for me, these few weeks have been not the most interesting in my life without sport and being able to catch up with friends but you gotta do what you gotta do. I guess if we follow the rules we will all be helping to get things back to normal. Online Schooling has been going since Wednesday the 15th and it has been going well every day I do about 3 hours of school work. We did problem-solving maths this morning we had 3 problems they were all quite easy we did them in groups over zoom we are still experimenting with it. We didn't have very much time in our groups but it was still good.

Thank you



  1. I hear you Bryn, lockdown has had its ups and downs. I keep trying to think of the positive, like NZ doing quite well with fighting the virus, I enjoy biking with my kids everyday and we can at least see you guys online.
    One wee suggestion, have a look to see if you are missing any full stops or commas in your posts.
    I look forward to reading this week's post.
    Take care,
    Mrs. Marston


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