Week 7 Term 4 2019 Science activities

Week 7 Term 4 2019  Science activities 

Today our teacher challenged us to build a spaghetti tower with 20 pieces of uncooked spaghetti 1m of tape 1m of string and a marshmallow. The rules to this challenge are pretty much only the marshmallow has to be at the top or it doesn't count. We were in groups of four or five I was with Harrison, Robby, Charlie and Liam. Our tower was going really good until the end when we heard fifteen seconds and didn't get the marshmallow on in time. Luckily Our teacher gave us an extra two minutes we tried to stabilise it with a piece of string but we when let go the whole top came off and left the base without a marshmallow.

Another great thing we did this week was the science roadshow. Our first show was on like forces and things. After the first show we got to roam around in all the cool exhibits about science. Our second show was about chemicals and the reactions to other chemicals. My favorite part was the second show because the people running it made lots of stuff explode.

Thanks for reading,



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