Friday 20 September Week 9

Friday 20 September Week 9


My highlight of the week was production. Production was awesome this one of my favorite because year 5 and 6 had the chance to have a speaking role. On tuesday we had a dress rehearsal pretty much the whole school got growled at for not having the right uniform. But when it came to the actual day we were great I was a bit nervous before my scene but I dealt with it and finished without messing up. Everybody was amazing (not as good as me, not really) the mains had so many lines to learn but didn't forget once especially the student acting as the teacher I think he had 321 lines to learn! I had a blast up on the stage i felt so good after my performance and I definitely want to do it again in 2 years.

Something I am looking forward to next term is athletics although the only things i might win at would be sprints and high jump. The things I have a chance but I'm not the best at them. When I'm just about to do my sprint i start getting really nervous and don't run as fast as I can it's pretty annoying. High jump is different though last year I jumped 1.05m  which I think is pretty decent for year 5. Shotput and discus I've never been the best at but I can throw it that's something. I don't really like discus or shotput though but I'm still looking forward to it because most of it is really fun.




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