End Of Term Reflection

End Of Term Reflection

Hi everyone today I'm going to be telling you about all the exciting things we did in term one. Like science in a van which was really cool. The people running it did some insane tricks. Like the table cloth trick where they put a cup full of water on a table with a table cloth under it and pulled the table cloth off without moving the cup. But the best trick was the bottle rockets they did. So they strapped a rubber duck to a bottle and then pumped lots of air into it and woosh off it went. It didn't work the first few times it didn't work but in the end it flew way off the rope it was sliding across.

Another great thing we did in term one was the eels trip where we went to the Heathcote river. My favourite part was the water bugs where there was a couple of water bugs in a tray and we had to find and identify them. One of them that we saw a lot of were stick cased caddiss which is a bug that has a stick shell.

But the best part was cycle safety where we learnt the procedures like right hand turn and left hand. we even got to turn through lights and go strait through. But I had to wear a hair net and borrow their helmet because mine was not good enough. It was so fun I think this term was one of the best terms ever so hopefully it was good reading it.

Next term I'm looking forward to cross country we are running just under 3 km         


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